

SIRREON olive oil is certified by the Organic Products Control and Certification Organization GMCert-Mediterranean Certification with the leaflet symbol.

It is a recognized Organization for Control and Certification of Organic Agricultural Products by the Ministry of Rural Development and Food, whose operation was approved by a ministerial decision published in Official Gazette 1722/B/03/11/2010 with Approval Code: GR-BIO-10 and has under No. 673-2 CERTIFICATE OF ACCREDITATION from the National Accreditation System (ESYD) for the implementation of the ELOT EN ISO/IEC 17065:2012 standard.
The analysis of our Products in terms of Acidity, K, DK, Peroxides, oil categorization, Nutritive value, Proteins, Total Fats, Carbohydrates, Energy value and the trace determination of impurity are carried out by the Institute of Chemical, Microbiological & Environmental Analysis I.C.M.E.A.

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